Nicole S.
Sweet Talker
No really, let's talk sweets.
Hello my fellow foodies! So glad you found me. I'm Nicole, a mid 30's dessert lover from the good old suburbs of Chicago. I enjoy festivals, sleeping in, themed parties, all things fall, late night snacks, rustic decor, lake life, and doughnuts.
If you haven't noticed already, my site is extremely dessert biased. I know, I didn't think it was a problem either. I am not a chef, and I have no formal training (besides lots of high school electives and an amazingly talented mother). Mostly trial and error, taste testing, and lots of kitchen disasters have helped me become pretty comfortable in the kitchen. Everything I share has been tried, tested and tweaked, so there will be no fails here! I'm going to feature all kinds of affordable recipes and treats with real everyday stuff (no crazy weird ingredients I promise). Usually they will be a mix between from scratch and easy recipes. Nothing too extravagant unless I'm feeling crafty or making macarons, which is my current obsession these days.
Thanks for visiting! Be sure to check back again soon for new recipe posts and updates. Themes are my specialty so you must come back around the Holidays. I will try my best to keep new content coming as the seasons change. Have a kitchen question or recipe request? Please drop me a line! I will also be sharing some real gems passed down from my mother and grandmother every now and again. I am warning you now - many of these recipes will be oh-so-bad-for-you. I won't count the calories if you won't.